Notes on documenting your programs

Your grade on the programming part of each lab will be determined by how well the program works AND by how
easy it is to read and understand your program.

Your program is easier to read, debug and understand when you:

* Use comments
    - a block of comments at the beginning of the program that gives
      your name, course number and section, instructor's name, purpose
      of the program, limitations, etc.
    - a block of comments at the beginning of each major section of the
      program that explains what that section does.

* Choose identifiers appropriately
    - identifiers for variables and methods should start with a lower
      case letter and use an upper case letter when words are run
    - identifiers for classes should start with an upper case letter
      and use an upper case letter when words are run together
    - identifiers for constants should be all upper case
    - a variable name should indicate the value that it holds;
      eg, depositAmount, age, homeAddress, ...
    - a method name should be a verb phrase indicating the action that
      it performs; eg, displayResults, calculateGPA, ...

* Use indentation. Statements within a block should be aligned and
    nested blocks should be further indented. For example,
    Nested blocks become important  in Chapter 5.

Use the sample programs that are in the book and those that are in
the lecture notes as examples.