
/*  Program Name:    Lab# 3                                               */

/*                                                                        */

/*  Student Name:    John Q. Programmer                                   */

/*  Semester:        Spring,  2014                                        */

/*  Class & Section: CoSc 10403 - 15                                      */

/*  Instructor:      Dr. Hallie Pena                                      */

/*  Due Date:        February 23, 2014                                    */

/*                                                                        */

/*  Program Overview:                                                     */

/*      This applet uses a text field to accept user input representing   */

/*      a Fahrenheit temperature.  When the user presses the <enter key>, */

/*      the temperature is converted to Celsius.  the result is displayed */

/*      in a label and, in addition, in a text area that serves as an     */

/*      ongoing log of all conversions that have been performed.  The     */

/*      user can continue to perform terperature conversions until the    */

/*      applet is terminated.                                             */

/*                                                                        */

/*  Input:                                                                */

/*      Input data must be the integer Fahrenheit value that is to be     */

/*      converted to Celsius.                                             */

/*                                                                        */

/*  Output:                                                               */

/*      The corresponding Celsius value for the given input data.  Past   */

/*      conversions are displayed in a scrollable text area at the bottom */

/*      of the display window.                                            */

/*                                                                        */

/*  Program Limitations:                                                  */

/*      (1) only integer Fahrenheit values may be input for conversion.   */

/*      (2) care should be taken when inputing values to be converted as  */

/*          the previous input value remains in the input textfield until */

/*          erased.                                                       */

/*                                                                        */

/*  Significant Program Variables:                                        */

/*      title                  - holds the title that is displayed at the */

/*                               top of the display window.               */

/*      question               - holds the string that is displayed as    */

/*                               the user prompt.                         */

/*      answer                 - holds the string that is displayed to    */

/*                               identify the convered value.             */

/*      fahrenheit             - the name of the text field in which      */

/*                               the Fahrenheit value is stored.          */

/*      celsius                - the name of the label field that will    */

/*                               display the resulting Celsius value.     */

/*      log                    - text area that records past conversions. */

/*      fahrenheit_temperature - the iinteger Fahrenheit input value.     */

/*      celsius_temperature    - the resulting Celsius value.             */

/*                                                                        */

/*  References:                                                           */

/*      (1) this program originally appeared in: "Java Software           */

/*          Solutions", John Lewis and William Loftus, Addison-Wesley,    */

/*          1998, pp. 375-377.                                            */



import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.Applet;

import java.awt.event.*;



/*  Fahrenheit Class - Creates the GUI container and converts input       */

/*                     temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius.           */


public class Fahrenheit extends Applet

{ //start of class Fahrenheit


      // Set up text strings and GUI components

      private Label title = new Label ("Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter");

      private Label question = new Label ("Enter Fahrenheit:");

      private Label answer = new Label ("Temperature in Celsius:");


      private TextField fahrenheit = new TextField (5);

      private Label celsius = new Label ("N/A");

      private TextArea log = new TextArea (5,20);


      private Fahrenheit_Listener listener = new Fahrenheit_Listener (this);



      /*  Init Method - place GUI components into the screen container.     */


      public void init()

      { //start of method init

            fahrenheit.addActionListener (listener);

            log.setEditable (false);

            add (title);

            add (question);

            add (fahrenheit);

            add (answer);

            add (celsius);

            add (log);

            resize (200,200);

      } //end of method init



      /*  Convert Method - input Fahrenheit value is converted to Celsius   */

      /*                   when directed to do so by the action listener.   */


      public void convert()

      { //start of method convert

            int fahrenheit_temperature, celsius_temperature;

            String text = fahrenheit.getText();


            fahrenheit_temperature = Integer.parseInt (text);

            celsius_temperature = (fahrenheit_temperature - 32) * 5 / 9;


            celsius.setText (Integer.toString (celsius_temperature));

            log.append (text + " converts to " + celsius.getText() + "\n");

      } // end of method convert


} // end of class Fahrenheit



/*  Listener Class - listens for an action event associated with entering */

/*                   a value into the Fahrenheit input field.             */


class Fahrenheit_Listener implements ActionListener

{ // start of class Fahrenheit_Listener


      private Fahrenheit applet;


      public Fahrenheit_Listener (Fahrenheit listening_applet)

      { // start of constructor Fahrenheit_Listener

            applet = listening_applet;

      } // end of constructor Fahrenheit_Listener


      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent action)

      { // start of method actionPerformed


      } // end of method actionPerformed


} // end of class Fahrenheit_Listener